
Poetry – Musical Evening at the Book Fair

Amer Moayad

Cinematographer : Mahmoud Raouf

The end of the fifth day of the Iraq International Book Fair was different, as after a trip to the audience with the Egyptian writer Ibrahim Issa, followed by a poetry – musical evening.

Poets shared the concerns of the homeland and beloved with the audience, who was eager to hear poetry in a distinctive way, and outside the format, the media Bassam Abdul Razzaq began to manage this evening and with Omar Al-Saray began the journey of poetry.

The Serail, which read more than one text, including about women, including about the homeland and Tishreen and what Iraqis lived in this period, and the Serail is the media spokesman for the General Union of Writers and Writers in Iraq.

Then Zaim Nassar read from his texts and focused on love and the pain of lovers as well, and he is from the eighty generation.

Ahmed Abdul Hussein had different poems, which he began with the name of God, in which he monologues the well of thirst to solve the concerns of Iraq, and Karbala read the time, a black flower and a glass of wine.

The poets were accompanied by the oud player Latif while he was part of the House of Oud, where he presented different and distinctive pieces, which entertained the attendees of this evening.

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